Help equip, educate and empower
Collins Soko
I am 4 years old and in Pre-K at Toanga School.

Sponsorships start at $50. The cost per month that Arise spends on each child is $75. Please join our mission at whatever level works for you. Any extra helps!
Collins Soko
Collins is 4 years old and is the third child in a family of four. His mother and father are not currently employed making it difficult to provide for their family. Collins family relies solely on his grandparents and are hopeful that his parents will find jobs soon. Collins loves playing soccer and enjoys making toy cars from pieces of wood and wire that he finds around his neighborhood. He is creative and is eager to learn. His favorite color is blue and his favorite meal is nshima, a Zambian staple. When Collin grows up, he hopes to become a pilot.