
Help equip, educate and empower

Phackson Tembo

I am 8 years old and in Grade 1 at Taonga School. I want to be a flight attendant!

Sponsorships start at $50. The cost per month that Arise spends on each child is $75. Please join our mission at whatever level works for you. Any extra helps!

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Phackson Tembo

Phakson is 8 years old and is the middle child of three siblings. Together, they live with their mother and father. His father is a bricklayer, and his mother is a housewife. Phackson is a happy child who enjoys spending time with his friends, playing soccer and hide and seek. At home, he and his siblings enjoy watching Tom and Jerry.

Phackson dreams of becoming a teacher when he completes his education. He admires his teachers and wants to make a difference in students’ lives like his teachers have done for him. Apples are Phackson’s favorite fruits because of their sweet taste. He also learned from his Sunday school teacher that they are healthy for him.

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