
Financial Accountability
Arise Africa is a 501(c)(3) organization based in the United States of America. All charitable donations are tax-deductible and we take the transparency of our finances very seriously. We have many checks and balances in place for staff, accountants, and anyone who handles our money.
We’re always thankful for the generous donations we receive and are proud to say that 93% of every donation goes directly to the program it was designated to serve. We also have an endowment fund as part of our financial planning, to help fund our operations and generate lasting support for the future.

The principal funds in the endowment can never be used, unless there is an emergency in Africa—for example, if we needed to act quickly in the case of tribal warfare or an ebola outbreak. The Arise Africa board is required to make a special request to the endowment board for funds and every option would be sought before going to the endowment board. Then, the endowment board would have to vote on whether they feel endowment funds should be pulled.
Although Arise Africa prays that the endowment funds are never touched, we also need to be prepared and have back-up funds ready to help the children and staff we serve. The endowment fund serves as this backup, while also earning interest for our organization.
Donors can give to the endowment fund by writing a check made out to Arise Africa and writing in the memo line “endowment.”
They also can give to the endowment online through credit card. If you would like more information on the endowment fund to feel free to email Executive Director Alissa Rosebrough.
Want to Donate Stocks to Arise?
Through our endowment fund we are able to accept stock donations. Please contact Alissa to receive fund account information and set up a transfer.